Why Brighten Your Teeth?

If you are unhappy with the shade of your teeth but have put off addressing the issue, an upcoming event may help motivate you. Many people who have contemplated professional teeth whitening decide to have the treatment in preparation for one of the following occasions:

  • Job Interview
  • Reunion
  • Wedding
  • Vacation
  • Photo Session

Dr. Cha Vu will also give you an opportunity to whiten teeth before he places crowns, veneers, or other restorations that cannot be whitened. This way, if you want a uniformly brighter smile, Dr. Cha Vu can whiten the adjacent teeth prior to shading your prosthetic.

Professional Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Don’t be fooled by over-the-counter whiteners that promise to make a meaningful impact on the brightness of your teeth. These products may be able to lift one or two shades of discoloration, but the results will be barely noticeable compared to the seven shades brighter your teeth could be with our professional whitening solutions.

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